With so much stress, instability and confusion in the world, I look forward to helping you on your healing path!
In Light and Love…Paula
Reiki (pronounced RAY-key) is a high vibrational form of the universal life force energy similar to light energy. It is a method for connecting to the universal life force energy for healing as well as managing everyday life.
Reiki is a natural hands on healing art. We are all like houses wired for electricity Reiki is not a religion; it is a way to focus energy. Reiki is for real people. You don’t have to be spiritually evolved. Reiki energy can be used for physical problems, mental or emotional conditions.
The reason that Reiki works is that it connects the universal life force energy with the body’s innate (inborn) powers of healing. Reiki also induces the relaxation response and puts the body in the best condition for healing. The body’s innate intelligence regulates the amount of Reiki that one receives and where it goes so one cannot give or receive too much Reiki.
Reiki is a balancing energy. What is in excess, Reiki lessens (like pain). What is lacking, Reiki increases and fills. One can say that Reiki restores and balances one’s physical, mental, and emotional energies. It puts one’s physical body in the best condition to promote healing. When people are anxious, Reiki relaxes them. When they are in pain, Reiki can reduce or eliminate it. When people are emotionally upset, Reiki can calm them and balance their emotions so that they can see their situation and problems more clearly. One of the misconceptions about Reiki is that many people think that one session will cure their disease, eliminate their problems, or calm anxieties forever. In reality, Reiki is not a one-shot deal. People don’t get the way they are in one day. There has been a lifetime of bad habits, fearful or anxious thoughts, poor eating habits, etc. Like any chronic disease or condition, it takes time and many treatments to bring the body back to balance.
Please Note: Reiki is meant to be used as a complement to traditional care or as a personal relaxation or stress reducing tool. It is not a substitute for qualified medical care.
DESCRIPTION OF A TYPICAL SESSION A session is usually 60 minutes long; a mini session is 30 minutes. A discussion will take place at the beginning of the session with a Reiki Practitioner. They will describe the session to the client, give the client an opportunity to discuss any particular problems or issues they are experiencing and ask them what they are hoping to achieve from their session.
For the actual session, the client will rest comfortably on a massage table on their back with their shoes & Jewelry removed. Unlike massage therapy, no articles of clothing are removed and a client is always fully clothed; loose, comfortable clothing is suggested but not necessary.
A weighted eye mask will be used to help with relaxation. A weighted heating pad and blanket is also used across the lower abdominal region. Relaxation, meditation type music will be played. In some sessions Pendulums, Crystals, Aromatherapy, Tibetan bowls or other holistic tools may be used.
A session will be hands-on, where a Practitioner will apply a light touch during the session, and in some areas they will hold their hands slightly above your body (hover). If a client prefers not to be touched, they can indicate this to the practitioner before they begin. The session will then proceed with the Reiki Practitioner moving through specific standard Reiki hand positions beginning at the person’s head or feet. A recipient of Reiki might feel a warming sensation or a tingling during the session or see colors, nothing but sheer relaxation. The session should be very pleasant, relaxing and invigorating.
Dr. Mikao Usui a Japanese born Buddhist monk was the founder of a form of holistic wellness known as Reiki. It was his desire to find a method of healing that was unattached to any specific religion so that his system would be accessible to everyone. This is where we get the name Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki method. This is also known as the Usui system of Natural Healing. It is a Japanese Healing Art. The Japanese word “Reiki” can be translated as “Universal Life Energy” and the Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki system is a way of working with reiki for healing of self and others. The word “healing” is used in the sense of regaining harmony and wholeness, not to be confused with the American definition of “healing”.
Dr. Mikao Usui founded his first Reiki clinic and school in Tokyo in 1922. Before he died he taught several his Reiki system. Among them was Dr. Chujiro Hayashi, a former naval officer. He is credited with further developing the Usui system by adding hand positions to more thoroughly cover the body. He trained others on the updated system. One woman who was trained was Hawayo Takata a Japenese-American whom originally went to Dr. Hayashi for healing. Mrs. Takata took Reiki home to the United States. She began to practice Reiki in her home in Hawaii. Two years later, she convinced Dr. Hayashi to come visit her in Hawaii so he could see her Reiki clinic. After seeing her practice, he decided to initiate Mrs. Takata into the third degree of Reiki so she could teach others. She taught and performed Reiki for over 40 years. From those that she taught is how Reiki has mainly spread throughout the United States. The current American style of Usui Reiki is founded on the understanding of the body’s energy system. Reiki Practitioners strive to improve the health and quality of life of others by offering reiki energy and restoring balance.
Call Paula if interested in Reiki I, Reiki II, or Reiki Master Training Classes @ 508-801-7350