Ellsworth Massage Therapy & Associates has been providing exceptional quality of care to our Rhode Island community for over 20 years. EMTA Founder, Becky A. Ellsworth, BS.HSC, BCMT, LMT, CPT is known for taking the time to listen to her clients’ concerns, help the client find the root cause of the problem, and educate them on how to incorporate change into their lives to maximize neuromuscular pain relief, to feel better and to improve their quality of life.
Credentials and Achievements
Bachelors Degree in Health Science, (BS,HSC) from Southern New Hampshire University in 2019.
Associates Degree in Applied Sciences from Community College of RI with a Dual Certificate in Therapeutic Massage in 2003.
Nationally Certified with the NCBTMB in 2004.
Board Certified with the NCBTMB in 2018, the highest credentialing exam given to Massage Therapy Professionals.
Certification in Clinical Oncology Massage, Hospital Based, Instructor Training through the Alliance of Clinical Oncology Massage (ACOM) program in 2013.
Certified Personal Trainer with the National Council on Strength and Fitness (CPT-NCSF).
CCRI’s Community Service Achievement Award in 2003
RI AMTA Chapter Meritorious Award given by the National American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA) in 2006.
RI AMTA Government Relations Activist Award in 2007.
Winner of the 2022 Best of Pawtucket Awards for Massage Therapists.
Certifications in Advanced Deep Tissue techniques.
Certifications in Neuromuscular Massage Therapy.
Certifications in Myofascial Cupping.
Certifications in Lymphatic Drainage Massage.
Specializes in Golf Anatomy, Sports Injuries, Bosu Training, Spencer Mat & Ball Pilates
Specializes in various massage modalities including medical, geriatrics, sports specific massage, injury prevention, pre and post surgery, myofascial release, scar tissue, oncology, restorative relaxation and utilizes Ayurvedic fundamentals with aromatherapy when needed.